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The vaccine rollout is well underway in many parts of the world, including Hong Kong. It is time for things to start getting back to normal, for work and play. We think that is AWESOME!

Why get vaccinated

Vaccination is important for public health and for the economy – in Hong Kong and worldwide. If everyone who can have the vaccine has it then it protects those who cannot have the vaccine by stopping the spread. If not enough people have the vaccine then life will not return to normal, the economy will continue to suffer, and more people will die or fall into poverty.
If that is not enough, then think of your own health. The effects of COVID can be mild but then can also be extremely serious and long lasting. So-called “long Covid” can affect individuals for months afterwards and we don’t yet know if it has permanent health impacts.

What we are doing

So what are BrandHK doing? Our Managing Director, Dan Patient, had the BioNTech vaccine today. Leading by example, we want all of our staff (unless there are valid clinical grounds not to) to be vaccinated. To encourage take-up of the vaccine, we are offering every member of staff an extra day off after they receive their vaccine, and we’ll pay for a takeaway, so they can curl up on the sofa get over the jab.

Looking forward to seeing you soon

We have waited nearly a year to say this, but we are REALLY looking forward to meeting with our customers and suppliers again! If the Hong Kong population embraces the vaccine quickly then we will be able to go for coffee, grab a drink, meet face to face, and get back to business again!

All the best
Dan Patient
Managing Director